Tuesday, June 01, 2010

for E and H

UNABLE to find
what is due them from their very own country
they go to America

despite the fact that they can be
discriminated there
or the fact that they are second class citizens
in that great nation
where the apple dreams are growing
they must remain
take things as is
rather than be hungry and starve
in the land of their people

just this morning
i see how lovely they are as a couple
in the U.S. of A
HE holds her like a rare diamond gem
a fragile flower of Florence
She allows him
like He is her surrounding mountain range
Love echoes
rebounding on every corner of the hills
That's them
Behind is the crowd
And the tree and the grass and the shadows
of yesteryear

We who remain her
shall say all the best for them
those who love truly
and faithfully all those years

Love feels betrayed sometimes by its own country
But for both of them
Love knows where to go
and still survive
as lovely as it can be
in any place
at any time
whatever be the reason why.

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